Friday, September 2, 2016

Creating a separate "work" blog

For some years I've maintained a blog that has been mostly personal but sometimes strays into statistics, data analysis, and other topics that could be considered "work".  For a little while, at least, I'm going to try to commit to doing more "work" posts and have decided this warrants a separate blog, and I'll figure out along the way what to do with posts that straddle the work/personal line.

It also means that I need a name for the new blog.  The personal blog was easy, based off a nickname given to me, but it doesn't easily extend to "Hardcover Reutter" for the work blog.  

Using "Bayesian Wonderland" is personally appealing, but after 18 years working for SPSS/IBM I've done little to no Bayesian research and am unlikely to be posting much Bayesian material.

Norm Matloff already snagged the perfect "Mad (Data) Scientist", and there are lots of "Confessions of..." out there. 

So for now, it's "Name This Data Science Blog" and I'll eventually come up with something that is both pithy and conveys what the blog is about.

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